Rockaway Beach Volleyball League Meets at Uma’s


For the first time, the RBVL meeting was held at Uma’s restaurant on 92nd Street and RBB where Uzbekistan beer and food were featured.  There was Plov (the national dish of Uzbekistan), Bichaki and Lagman soup everywhere but no burgers and fries.  And there was Obolon, Baltika, Ommegang and Smuttynose but no Budweiser or Coors Light.  League players expanded their culinary horizons and host Conrad got a first hand glimpse of the buying power of the men and women of Rockaway.  They can fill up a place in a hurry.  The RBVL Committee stuck to their tried and true formula of starting ten minutes late to give people operating on Rockaway time a few extra minutes to show up and then keeping the greetings and opening speech to a brief ten minutes.  Those who know Joe realize that his keeping a speech short happens as often as Haley’s Comet makes an appearance.


Here are the highlights.  Three new RBVL Committee members were introduced - Colleen McHale, Mike Sica and Liz Sica and they will help ensure that the league continues to run smoothly and efficiently.  For 2014, all teams must supply two e-mail addresses and two text numbers for their captain and co-captain so the league can reach them with important messages. Captains were reminded that they can have team items entered in the weekly Wave article by showing up at the sponsor bar or by e-mailing Joe at by 11 PM on Wednesday night.  Also, teams that do not submit uniform orders will receive 5 L and 5 XL shirts as a default order.  Key dates on the Summer schedule are: 5/21/14 - practice week (Wed. before Memorial Day); 5/28/14 - opening day (Wed. after Memorial Day); 8/9/14 - Saturday playoff extravaganza.  Rosters are also waivers and must be signed by players the first week of the season. (Or the practice week if you really want to be good boys and girls.)  For this reason and reasons of fair play, teams are not permitted to pick up players from the sidelines on nights they are shorthanded, not even if the opposing captain approves it.  If you need players for your roster, let us know what you need; there are many individual players looking to join the RBVL.


Then it was time to discuss the one major complaint that President Patty Moule and Committee members have with league players.  It is a problem that has persisted over the years and there is no reason for it at all.  Each and every week, a handful of teams return their nets to the equipment room late. That means Equipment Manger Extraordinaire, Steve, and several other Committee members cannot leave for the after-party and must needlessly sit around and wait.  And don’t just wait for the deadline time; bring your net back immediately after your game.  Then go back and finish the beers in your cooler.  Steve does inventory every week.  That helps keep the equipment coming back.  Have some consideration.  It’s the least you can do.  Amazingly enough, all of this information came out in exactly ten minutes.  Then the RBVL Committee collected roster/waivers, uniform orders and league fees with four teller windows open.  That made the process go very quickly.  The total time of meeting and collection was one hour, not bad at all.


Thanks to everyone who showed up last night and handed in their rosters/waivers, uniform orders and league fees.  Thanks for helping us get things going in a friendly and orderly way.  Excitement over the 25th Silver Anniversary season is building.  Start loosening up; it is almost that time.  TBG paid for Cement Shoes this year and that happens as often as Haley’s Comet makes an appearance (or Joe gives a 10 minute speech).  How many times can an article reference Haley’s Comet?  If you are counting, that’s twice.  Denise and Bugsy had a lovely time at their Committee Emeritus table discussing all the things they were going to do with their newfound free time.  I think Bugsy is going to visit Texas and Denise is going to visit Rockaway.  Now wait a minute!  And can three new people actually do all of the work that Denise used to knock out week to week.  We shall see.  Mr. Happy’s Thunderdome league has the lowest administrative costs of any “organized” league in any sport in world history, zero dollars and zero cents.  They simply choose up sides and volley for serve.  Game on!  League on!  The Thunderdome has a meeting as often as Haley’s Comet comes around.  (If you are counting, that’s three.)


We are cleaning out our database and captains must supply two names with e-mails and text #’s as part of your vital information on your roster.   We're looking to improve the speed and accuracy of our announcements and information dissemination.  These will be the e-mails and texts we send to this season with important league information.  And they will be the contact information we use when we have to make short notice decisions, particularly concerning the weather.  The RBVL has a Facebook page and, if you like it, you will receive timely updates, whoever you are, captain or not.


3/26 was the first critical date but you can mark a few additional special dates on your calendars as well.  Wednesday, 5/21 will be our first night of volleyball at the beach. It will be a practice night for all and uniforms and schedules will be given out at that time.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate as it did last year.  Wednesday, 5/28 will be opening day and play will continue every Wednesday until 8/9.  On Saturday, 8/9, the league championships will be played – keep your schedules clear.  Every year it’s a blast!  It will only be a couple of months before the ultimate “Survivor” battle begins on the tropical island shores of Riis Park.  Opening day will arrive quickly and there is much to be done beforehand. If you have any questions before the meeting please call Patty Moule at 917-613-0908.  (Call between 10 AM and 9 PM.) 


See you on the beach on 5/21.