RBVL Hits the Beach for 2014 Season
Joe McGivney
The Rockaway Beach Volleyball League kicked of the 2014 season Wednesday night at Riis Park with
its annual practice night. All 74 teams were invited and about 50 took part in the festivities.
The early weather forecasts were not good but players know conditions at Riis Park are unique and often better than predicted.
And so it was. The Human Quote Machine, TBG, summed up the evening, “It was another day in paradise,
highlighted by a zephyr of wind wafting over the sands of Riis.”
Of course, he didn’t wax so poetic after several more hours of celebration. The 2014 season will
feature some new team names and several new sponsors.
Welcome to all and to any new players as well.
The RBVL is happy to have you onboard.
We’ll see you at Riis Park every
Wednesday until 8/9. On Saturday, 8/9, the league championships will be played, starting in the morning and
running through until the afternoon, when nine champs will be crowned.
Then the real fun begins as teams try to outdo each other, partying late into the night. The first
night back on the beach ran smoothly with the help of many players, young and old, who pitched in wherever it was needed.
That’s the kind of cooperation that makes the league great.
Thank you for getting off on the right foot and keep up the good work.
We need that assistance weekly.
What didn’t go as smoothly was the bumping, setting and spiking!
It gets harder and harder each year.
However, the carrying looked to be in mid-season form.
Come early each Wednesdays and check the information board to find out where you are playing. And bring
your GPS system; you’ll need it.
Each year we try to
accommodate as many people as we can in the RBVL. Most of you have offered
your assistance many times over the years and now we really need it.
We have many new refs, some of whom are learning on the job. Some
are young and some are not as young but they all are trying their best to call
the games fairly. Believe me, they do not have an ax to grind with any of
our teams and we need you to treat them with respect. (There has been
occasional slippage in this department the last two seasons.)
However, we want them to improve their performance, too. To that
end, please send us an e-mail (jmcgivney2@nyc.rr.com)
on Thursdays with a quick summary of the previous night’s ref. We’ll know who it was because we keep track of that stuff. It can be simply, “Ref was
great.” Or give us some detail, “Ref called no net violations,” Ref called too many carries,” or “He called the game tighter than any ref this year.”
You get the idea – brief and to the point, both good and bad. Thanks, in advance, for your assistance. Some
of the new refs were shown the ropes by Joe, including where to buy yellow and red cards. They also attended a
seminar to review rules and regulations and expectations for the upcoming matches. They even got to do some
“student teaching” by working some of the practice games.
Everyone was reminded again of three rules that will be enforced this year at every level of play without exception:
1. ALL net violations must be called – no exceptions
2. NO underhand lift or reverse underhand throws are allowed
3. NO reaching over the net to interfere with a ball unless your opponent is directing the ball to your side
of the court.
For those players who think that this results in too many whistles and say, “We just
want to play,” get used to it.
Remember, we all just want to play - - - volleyball!
Not jungle ball!
Welcome back to all of the returning sponsors and to the newest sponsors of RBVL teams.
The league would not flourish without your financial support and is very grateful for your help. RBVL
players should consider using some of the many league sponsors for personal items. After all, these businesses
supported you when you needed them; why not return the favor and support them if you need services they provide.
Your league has become the place to be during the summer in Rockaway.
Remember that has happened primarily because of great camaraderie and sportsmanship more than great athletic play, although there is quite a bit of
that, too. On an administrative note, the RBVL has gone “green” and the Rules and 2014 Schedules are posted on
the website. This saves the printing of thousands of pages of copies.
Captains who have handed in unsigned rosters must now get them signed.
SIGNED rosters must be in by week one (5/28) at the latest.
Captains are reminded that they can have team items entered in the weekly Wave article by showing up at the sponsor bar or by e-mailing Joe at
jmcgivney2@nyc.rr.com by 11 PM on Wednesday night.
The RBVL has a Facebook page and, if you like it, you will receive timely updates, whoever you are, captain or not.
Your RBVL Committee members will be around each and every week to help out on any matters and answer your questions.
That includes new members, Colleen McHale, Mike and Liz Sica, who
will help ensure that the league continues to run smoothly and efficiently.
Witness Colleen and Patty dishing out the uniforms smoothly and
efficiently Wednesday night.
Inquiring minds ask why the
biggest guys in the league seem to always get the fluorescent green uniforms?
Does it make it easier to pick them out of a crowd?
Has George really left Mr. Happy’s franchise and moved over to Gerri’s
band of minstrels? Rocky cut his
head open to the tune of four stitches and suffered a concussion and CB was not
even at the beach. When you are
6’4” tall your head bumps into things.
Ouch! The Kirby Korner at
Cubby Cove was empty except for
Original Six team, the Federation, who were happy to be there but thinking about
a move to the world famous Sica Tiki Bar.
Special thanks go to Jack and Marty from the Storage Place.
Aside from being long-time sponsors in the RBVL they were saviors this
off-season when Gateway required the league to remove our equipment from Riis.
They offered storage space for 74 nets and miscellaneous items for a song
to get us through this rough patch.
Wednesday night, June 25th, is The Cabana's night for the RBVL party.
So get ready for something completely different.
The Cabana is located at 1034 W. Beech St. Long Beach, NY 11561 (the
corner of Georgia & W. Beech Streets). And
the RBVL will be providing a large coach bus with a bathroom for anyone
interested in making the trip. If
you've never been there it's a really fun place with Mexican-American food and
lethal frozen margaritas. Tentative
plans are for the bus to leave BHYC at 9 PM and return at 11:30 PM.
Please poll your team and contact
George Johnson so he can estimate how many people are coming.
This will help him reserve the right number of buses.
Rosters are also waivers
and must be signed by players the first week of the season.
For this reason and reasons of fair play, teams are not permitted to pick
up players from the sidelines on nights they are shorthanded, not even if the
opposing captain approves it. If
you need players for your roster, let us know what you need; there are many
individual players looking to join the RBVL.
President Patty Moule and her Committee members have one major complaint
with league players. It is a
problem that has persisted over the years and there is no reason for it at all.
Each and every week, a handful of teams return their nets to the
equipment room late. That means Equipment Manager Extraordinaire, Steve, and
several other Committee members cannot leave for the after-party and must
needlessly sit around and wait. And
don’t just wait for the deadline time; bring your net back immediately after
your game. Then go back and finish
your beverages and chit-chat. Steve
does inventory every week. That
helps keep the equipment coming back.
Have some consideration.
It’s the least you can do. And the
first two offenders are the All American Heroes and the Cabana and their
opponents. Why nets were brought
back at 9 PM in pitch darkness is a mystery to us.
And a bad start to the 2014 season.
Right now there is a 74
way tie for first place but that ends next week.
It will only be five days until the
bumping, setting, spiking and carrying begins so loosen up the bones and stretch
out those muscles. Next week the games and scores count.
Let the games begin! If you
have any questions before the meeting please call Patty Moule at
917-613-0908. (Call between 10 AM
and 9 PM.)
See you on the beach on
5/28 for RBVL opening day - season #25!